HSmartWindowControl 是比HWindowControl更高级的窗口控件,相关说明如下:
- Using the smart window control, the following events are triggered and can be reacted to:
- Click
- GotFocus, LostFocus
- MouseEnter, MouseLeave, MouseHover
- Resize, SizeChanged
- KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress
- Not all operators can be used with the smart window control. The following operators are not supported:
- draw_nurbs, draw_nurbs_mod, draw_nurbs_interp, draw_nurbs_interp_mod
- drag_region1, drag_region2, drag_region3
- get_mbutton(_subpix), get_mposition(_subpix)
- Instead, use drawing objects.
复制代码 窗口提供了很多事件,同时不再支持一些交互式的指令。
HSmartWindowControl 和HWindowControl都可以用于winform,但是在WPF中,专门针对WPF要使用HSmartWindowControlWPF来显示图形。